Schools and districts, including private and charter schools, face unique circumstances and challenges, requiring customized training. We have a range of short courses focused on the K-12 environment, including courses for all educators, and courses focused on Title IX Coordinators and Decision-makers.

Choose one course or enjoy the whole series.
Each course includes modern, bite-sized videos, downloadable resources, and scenarios with interactive elements and imagery featuring real-world scenarios in K-12 settings.

  • Title IX Compliance Basics for K-12 Schools
    MM Inclusion Solution’s Title IX training package is an essential tool for any school that’s looking to build a culture of dignity, respect, and tolerance among its students and staff.

    This course, TIX Basics for K-12 Schools, covers the history and purpose of Title IX, details on who is protected by Title IX, and an overview of the steps schools must take to prevent sexual misconduct. It serves as a describes the purpose of TIX, who is protected by TIX, the key steps a school must take to achieve compliance, and other neccessary training for individuals involved in the TIX process at your school. This course is a stepping-off point for entry into our more in-depth courses focused on coordinating investigations, report writing, avoiding bias, and decision-making in K-12 schools.

  • Title IX Going Beyond Obligation- Planning for Success: This interactive course is focused on the importance of investing in prevention. This includes appropriately positioning and resourcing your TIX coordinator. Our goal is to provide you with the foundation to be well-informed and well-prepared Title IX Investigators, Coordinators, Administrators, and practitioners. The learning objectives of this course are:
    —Identify three low cost/no cost strategies you can implement in your school to reduce sex-based harassment.
    —Describe the school partners critical to Title IX prevention work at your school.
    —Explain why engaging with community partners will benefit your students, teachers, and staff.

  • Processing an Initial Title IX Complaint
    This course is designed for teachers, administrators, and Title IX Coordinators in K-12 Schools. Processing an Initial Title IX Complaint: This course introduces responsible parties to their obligations upon receiving an initial report of sexual harassment. The learning objectives are:

    —Describe the steps you must take when you learn a student, faculty, or staff member has experienced sexual harassment in the educational program.

    —Identify appropriate supportive measures to implement after receiving a report of sexual harassment.

    —Understand the various record-keeping obligations triggered when a responsible party in K-12 learns of sexual harassment.

    —Clarify circumstances under which the school MUST investigate a report of sexual harassment-even if the reporting party does not want them to.

  • Handling a Formal Title IX Complaint
    This course is designed for Title IX Coordinators in K-12 Schools.

  • Title IX Process: Creating a K-12 Investigation Plan
    This course is designed for Title IX Coordinators in K-12 Schools.

  • Writing for Title IX Documentation
    This course is designed for Title IX Coordinators in K-12 Schools.

  • 307: Avoiding Bias in the TIX Process

  • Title IX Process: Ensuring the reports are well-written and sufficient
    This course is designed for Title IX Coordinators in K-12 Schools.

  • Title IX Process: Making the Decision for K-12 Schools
    This course is designed for Title IX Investigators working in K-12 Schools.

Choose one course or enjoy the whole series.